Magazine Subscriber Demographics

Reach multiple healthcare segments with one magazine
IG Living provides complete insight into the stories affecting the community.
Features include IG treatment and options, immune and autoimmune disease updates, patient profiles, adult and teen perspectives, Q&A and more!
IG Living reaches nearly 30,000 readers every two months, including:

- More than 20,000 physicians, nurses, case managers and other healthcare professionals involved in treating patients with immune globulin products; many of their copies are displayed in office and infusion clinic waiting rooms
- More than 8,000 patients and their family members treated at home, out-patient infusion clinics, physician practices and independent infusion clinics
- More than 500 members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to make them aware of the prescription and reimbursement issues with immune globulin products
- Patient organizations, and manufacturer and distributor sales representatives
IG Living Reaches Your Market — Online!
IG Living also reaches thousands of readers through its eNewsletter, website and Facebook pages.

Emailed monthly to almost 12,000 patients whose lives have been challenged with a chronic illness, as well as their caregivers, healthcare providers, patient organizations and manufacturers, the eNewsletter provides resources to stay connected with others in the community, as well as helpful information about our weekly blogs, monthly readers' teleconferences and Facebook pages. It also provides links directly to IG Living's current magazine and archived magazine issues containing activated links to advertisers' websites.

Website attracts over 67,500 website users and more than 229,000 page views annually. These visitors trust us to deliver valuable information, including clinical and manufacturer/product news updates, one-click access to IG Living's articles by topic, links to hundreds of chronic illness organizations and associations, links to product manufacturers and government websites, a weekly blog that features commentary about living with chronic illness, notifications about IG Living's upcoming monthly teleconferences that answer questions about immune globulin products, reimbursement and lifestyle issues, and much more.
IG Living's social media footprint extends our reach to even more of the patients you want to engage with your products and services. Our IG Living Facebook page, Teen Group and blog provide connection and support to thousands of patients living with chronic diseases. With more than 7,500 fans and an average monthly online reach of more than 7,300 social media users, IG Living's online presence adds even more value to your advertising efforts.